Bank transaction details
Linda Hammerich
Just wondering if Farm Focus are talking to all banks about not using their bank name as the other party. For example when a bank charges it monthly bank fee, the other party has monthly bank fee not the bank name eg Westpac. This is all banks and as such I can't create bank codes with the correct other party name.
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Natalie Masters
My bank (ANZ) also does this with monthly account fee, overdraft management fee, gross credit interest and withholding tax. I've tried the below idea and it is helpful but doesn't change the other party to the bank name unfortunately
Farm focus
Hi Linda, This is not currently on the backlog and talks with the banks haven't started. However, we will continue to monitor the votes on this post to assess priority. In the meantime, you can create a coding rule that applies a consistent description which could be used to enter the bank information