Transaction screen set as default
Andrew Tripp
When you go to completed transactions can you please make the transaction screen the default screen rather than the coded transactions - or allow the choice of which is default
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Mikayla - Farm Focus
The completed screen now defaults to open in the last view you were in.
Dorothy Duncan
I have a suggestion that would make coding easier. We process our invoices prior to payment and it would be helpful if the dates defaulted. e.g. 31 July invoice and 20 August payment date.
I support all these comments. I see that the comments are back as far as 3 years ago. It would be good if this feature was upgraded asap because we do pay a hefty annual subscription. Thanks
Jo - Farm Focus
in progress
Jo - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
In the completed screen, transaction lines be the default display not the coded lines, or an option to change the default settings to our choice
Steve Grove
Agree please
Barbara Wilson
Yes please. I use the completed transactions screen regularly. Please make it so that we can set our own default and make it easier to read like CMR
Farm focus
Merged in a post:
Completed Screen Default setting
Sandra Fransen
On the completed screen, its default is 'Code Lines' these lines make it very difficult to quickly find a specific transaction to attach something to it, or to double check it's gone through etc. It's also very difficult to look at as they all look like individual transactions, when actually sometimes 20 or more a linked and all under 1 transaction. Could the default be the transactions screen (or a way to change this for each persons preference). Also to make the 'code lines' screen easier to look at and follow maybe (like in Cash Manager) all the code lines for one transaction could be shaded together or only have the date and other party listed once then all the code lines that go with it sit under that one at a glance its easier to see which code lines go together.
Farm focus
Farm focus
Hi Andrew, this is currently under development for the settings to persist on the coded lines/transactions view of the Completed screen
Farm focus
Hi Sandra, thank you for your comments. We will keep this topic open to see how many votes we get. An enhancement to have the ability for the settings you set to persist between coded line or transaction view has been added to our backlog
Sandra Fransen
Farm focus: thank you
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