Multiplier in work sheets
under review
Hamish Kynoch
Having a multiplier in Plan worksheets (as in Cashmanager) would be great help when budgeting a sharemilking farm.
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Jane McLennan
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Maria By de Ley
When adjusting costs for new season I'd really like to be able to choose one and increase last seasons by say 10% (or whatever), without having to type every single entry.
Jane McLennan
Hi Maria, Thanks for your feedback. This is a feature that is in our backlog and under review. I will keep you updated on any progress. Thanks for your ongoing custom.
Jo - Farm Focus
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Wool Planning- Add another factor
Georgie McGregor
It would be useful to have another multiplication factor available when adding a planned item, in all purchases and expenses but particularly wool. I would like to be able to add price per kg (which I can already), number of animals and average weight per animal. I'm having to record this as a note at the moment to remember my workings.
Jo - Farm Focus
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Have 3rd Multiplication Factor
Georgie McGregor
When putting in a plan item such as wool it would be great to enter quantity, unit price and another factor e.g number of ewes, average weight of wool per ewe and unit price
Jo - Farm Focus
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Sharemilking percentage
Hamish Kynoch
Include a multiplier in Planning sheets for shared expenses.
Jo - Farm Focus
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Multiplier & Total
Barbara Hands
We need to be able to enter the total amount of purchase or supply into a budget and then enter the multiplier amount, this gives a total of product/service purchased and the slit between owner/share-milker/equity partner. with this function it gives us a total of product on our farm plus our share of the cost. Without this function it is almost useless for budgeting with a share-milker and removes a seasonal total to simpily doing reports for Dairy companies, overseer etc.
craig wightman
I used this feature in CM to calculate interest over multiple interest only loans.
Loan Amount X Interest Rate divided by 12 ( X 0.08333) = Monthly Payment.
That way if the rate goes up on 1 loan you can adjust accurately.
If the principal amount changes you can adjust. It's my biggest cost and needs to be calculated accurately.
Things like, Fert $/ton X Kg/ha X Ha.
Any one of three multiplies can be changed to update the budgeted cost.
Melissa Farm Focus Support
Thank you for your feature request, this will be passed along to the development team to consider your suggestion. Any updates will be listed here.
Farm focus
Hi Barbara, thanks for your feedback. We are not currently working on this but will add it to our feature backlog.
Barbara Hands
Farm focus: how can you call it a feature when it was in cash-manager ? how far away will it be ?or do we need to look at other programs. That’s us and our share milker. Interesting our bank manager is fielding bad feedback as well Shame was a good product
Farm focus
Hi Georgie, thanks for your feedback. We will add this to the enhancement backlog and will keep you posted on progress.
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