Livestock Non Financial Events
Farm focus
I would like to enter my births and deaths in the livestock plan rather than having to go back into the Actuals screen to record a Non-Financial event. It makes more sense to me to enter these events straight into the stock rec
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Sarah at Farm Focus
Sarah at Farm Focus
Great news! You can now enter your actual livestock non-financial events in the plan rather than having to navigate away to the Actuals screen.
Simply click on the cell for the non-financial event you want to create and select Add from the options that pop up. A new page will appear for you to enter the event details and clicking on save/cancel/back to plan will take you back to where you were in the plan.
Sally Street
I totally agree this is extremely time consuming, please can you change
Mike Flower
I agree!
Julian McPike
I agree with this request.
Julian McPike
Oneriri Station.
Sarah at Farm Focus
in progress
Farm focus
Thank you for your comments, we understand that it would make sense to have the Livestock additions for deaths/births etc in the Livestock Reconciliation so we are working to add this feature. We will keep you posted of when this feature is active.
Farm focus
Sally - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Add Births and Deaths while in Working Plan
I would like to be able to add births and death under the Actuals part of my Working plan rather than going back to non Financial event. Or if I could make the planned events actuals.
Jo - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Livestock non-financial events
I want to be able to create non-financial events (births, death etc when in the livestock screen)
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