Filter (Remove) Financial Year Items from Working Plan (accrual based reporting)
Client has requested a Filter option within the Working Plan that allows customers to hide items that apply to a previous financial year.
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Wendy Verry
Every year i start my budget this frustrates me and seems to be a common request. Where are we at with progress on this one??
Wendy Verry
I strongly agree with Annie Cates, having last years Financial Items in the working plan make the category line totals irrelevant. In Cashmanager Rural it was much more transparent but still reflected the effect these transactions have on your bank balance. The blue flag for last years items in Farm Focus just tells me I need to get the calculator out to make my working plan relevant.
We should also have a 13th month that allows you to budget for items that occur in the next financial year.
The working plan is a budgeting tool, and you should be able to view your annual budget with relevant totals in a cash sense, which means you need to be able to isolate items from the previous year and include items that are paid in the next year. Then you can report on your budget without having to manually add and subtract these figures. eg if you are reporting on a budgeted amount of $100k you need to be able to track your progress on that irrespective of what was spent on this category last year. We are sharing our budget with staff, shareholders, bankers, consultants etc.. and it is hard to convey how we are tracking over the year, it feels unprofessional.
This Season milk production is a good example of Farm Focus not making sense. May production paid June (21/22 season) comes through in the 22/23 Working Plan as "This Season" production (flagged for last financial year). This item has no place on the "This Season" line in the 22/23 Work Plan. The total for this line now incorrectly includes the May 21/22 production, but excludes May 22/23 production. Therefore this total has no relevance to the 22/23 season.
In summary the LITTLE BLUE TRIANGLES need a home of their own and we need an editable 13th month column
John Sherratt
It would be great to be able to filter out the previous years figures from the July column in Working Plan to enable viewing just the current financial year's figures and their totals. I find it very frustrating having them combined. Adopting 'Last Year' section below the Trading Surplus as was in Rural would also solve the problem.
Annie Cates
We would love to see 'Last Year' items listed at the bottom of the cashflow when the 'Show Financial Year Items' view is on in the Cashflow grid (like it was in Rural). To be able to easily capture those items paid in the first month of the new year, but belong to the prior year greatly aids our tax planning. Farm Focus highlights these items which is useful, however having the total Last Year items shown clearly at the bottom the Cashflow was great.
kevin ferris
and add in the 13th month debtors creditors
Merged in a post:
Future dairy payments included in current plan
Trudy Slee
Would be nice to see June payment of May supply in current year plan.
Merged in a post:
Reports - Cashflow, GST, etc
Anita Higgins
It would be great if bills were pulled through onto reports once coded but prior to payment being made - we tried to run a cashflow report & nothing was showing up for the current month assuming it is because we haven't paid our 20th payment batch. Apparently this functionality was available on Rural.
Thank you for your feedback Robert, you will be pleased to know that we have accrual based reporting in our backlog to be worked on, we will keep you posted on progress
Stephanie Farm Focus
Agreed, this would be very helpful.
Robert Ferris
Totals column when in working plan do not reflect the financial year you are currently working on.
If an item is coded to the previous financial year it appears in the total for the current year (we have a June balance date and everything paid for in July appears in the next financial year totals not the current year.)
This then doesn't align with Profit and loss or EFS reports.
Cash manager rural looked at these totals as per the current financial year Focus seems to just follow the cash.
Rural was set up well in this regard could we please have an option for the same.
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