Jane McLennan
Hi, Daily Bank Balancing was included in our latest release. Please refer to the attached resource: https://help.farmfocus.nz/en/articles/6929357-daily-bank-balance
Thanks for your ongoing custom.
Cathy Nesbitt
Well done and Merry Xmas to you.
Jane McLennan
in progress
In early 2023, you will be able to view your daily bank balance in the Working Plan 'current month'.
To ensure information is available to predict your daily bank balance upload or create (and code) an invoice as soon as you're aware an event is happening.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Natalie Masters
Please please get onto Daily revision!!!!!
this suppose-ed time saving program plan part is wasting my time, doing my head in and is infuriating.
Current month is a waste of time.
Brian Petersen
I and many other have asked for this vital feature to be added to Farm Focus since we were first conned into 'upgrading' to FF. There appears to be NO ACTION at all on this, FF are just ignoring our many requests. The current month revision that FF keeps pushing on us is cumbersome, clumsy and work intensive - completely impractical compared to the very simple system in place with Cash Manager.
Sally - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Actual Cashflow with Invoices incorporated
Kyllee Henton
It would be useful to be able to produce an actual or revised cashflow with the option of incorprating the LHS of the needs action screen (eg invoices to be paid entered on LHS but not to be paid until the 20th of Month. Would save a lot of time with cashflow portioning out into the different categories. I have had to create false payments to achieve the same effect which then need to be edited or deleted to correct the cashbook.
Sally - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Viewing same month actuals and planned
Gaeline Wright
Budget plan when part way through current month. Having the option to combine actual to date in the month so far plus add in planned transactions for rest of the month would be excellent. Maybe 2 columns could show for the current month - one has actuals to date, the other has planned for remainder of month - then the numbers add together. At the moment one must double handle figures either by adding in through Needs action or updating the actuals into budget.
Sally - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Split Current Month Veiw
Sarah Walker
It would be good to have this veiw and not to be cut off on the last day of the month. Pretty sure Cash Manager Rural used to have this feature?? Thanks
Sylvia Jex-Blake
Please provide daily revision. Impossible to budget accurately, as once a month becomes an actual, all planned activity has to be pushed out to the next month. Is a pretty fundamental feature one would have thought should have been available from the get go.
Rachel McKelvie
Please bring this feature into focus.
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